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Thursday, May 14th, 2015

I posted a much better quality picture on Instagram, but it's my blog and I can do what I want to, so here's the picture I took at 4am in a moment I can only describe as pure exhaustion. In this moment, I considered posting a terrible shaky photo I had taken at 4am this morning when I dragged myself out of bed to go print my boarding pass and bus tickets that I had lost during the craziness of this past week. But then I realized that no one wants to see that on their feeds and decided to post this pretty one that I took this afternoon - the calm before the storm. But as of right now, the phrase "Hot Mess" doesn't even BEGIN to describe me. 


As Jess from New Girl would say, I've been going through a "Taylor Swift-like range of emotions" this past week.. excited for this upcoming summer, overjoyed to see my family and friends, but also really really upset about having to say bye to a lot of amazing people I've met who live way, way, WAY too far away from California. But as I was taught by a great friend, "It's never 'adios', but only 'hasta luego'". So hasta luego to Sevilla and to the amazing people I've gotten to know here... I'll miss you a ton, but I'll see you again soon.

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