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Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Please please please ignore my weird faces and just focus on how ABSOLUTELY sweet Álvaro and Lorea are and how lucky I am to have gotten to know them. Today was our last time together for the semester, and they came with the most beautiful necklace for me. Dying.


Then after a dinner of SNAILS IN THEIR SHELLS, came the goodbyes. This was one of the hardest ones. Álvaro was my first Spanish friend here in Sevilla and, in all seriousness, changed the course of my semester here. Being able to laugh and experience Sevilla with them has been such a blessing and they were literally an answer to my prayers. I've been blessed to have gotten to know them, they've become lifelong friends, and it'll be hard to be so far away... but I know that I'll see them sooner than it feels.

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